(Optional) Configure mini programs

This topic guides you through configuring mini programs. After creating a mini program, the owner and masters can set configurations whether uploading a version for the mini program.


To configure a mini program, you can see the corresponding steps as follow:

Step 1: Navigate to Versions tab

Click Manage Mini Program on the menu panel to the left and then choose the newly created mini program to enter Versions tab.image.png

Step 2: Set configurations

There are two scenarios to set configurations:

  • Mini programs without versions
  • Mini programs with versions

Mini programs without versions

  1. If you do not upload a version, you can click Configuration to set global configurations, which means the configurations you set will be effective to all versions you upload for the mini program.image.png
  2. Enter the following parameters for the global configurations:


  • Acquiring Type: There are two kinds of acquiring types:
  • Cross-border acquiring type means the acquiring entity of mini program service provider locates in the different country or region from its customer and provides a cross-border acquiring service.
  • Local acquiring type means the acquiring entity of a mini program service provider locates in the same country or region as its customer and provides a local acquiring service.
  • Whitelist:
  • Server Domain in the whitelist can access data and make out-of-domain calls.
  • H5 Domain in the whitelist can access the mobile page (H5) via the web-view component.
  • Tester Emails in the whitelist can test the mini program during the release process.

After confirming the above parameters, click Save to save the current global configurations. Once versions are released, the global configuration will be active.

Mini programs with versions

If you already uploaded one or more versions, you can set global configurations for all versions or configurations for a single version.

Global configurations

  1. To set configuration globally, click Configuration in the upper left corner of the page.

(Optional) Configure mini programs

  1. Enter the same parameters as above.

(Optional) Configure mini programs

Single version configurations

  1. To set configurations for a single version, click Config under Action.

Note: You can only configure a single version after you choose a partner app to release the version.

(Optional) Configure mini programs

  1. Enter the same parameters for a single version as the global configurations.


The client ID and merchant ID are generated automatically:

  • Client ID is assigned to a merchant by the partner app in a specific scenario, for example, payment. A single merchant ID can have multiple client IDs based on different scenarios.
  • Merchant ID is assigned to a merchant by the partner app. A single merchant can have multiple merchant IDs based on different partner apps.

In addition, you can also set or modify configurations for a single version during its release process by clicking View Configuration. image.png

Now you have completed configuring a mini program.

Next steps

Release mini programs

Generate QR codes

Remove mini programs