Release mini programs

This topic will guide you through releasing mini programs to Alipay+ partner apps. In a workspace, the owner, masters, and developers have permission to proceed with the release process.


To learn the release process for Alipay+ partner apps, refer to the following diagram:


  1. To release a mini program to Alipay+ partner apps, first choose Alipay+ partner apps when creating a mini program.
  2. When a mini program is ready, you can then choose a partner app to release the mini program.
  3. After confirming the selected app, the mini program will continue with compatibility testing.
  4. Next you can submit the release request to Alipay+ and the partner app for review.
  5. If Alipay+ and the partner app approve your request, you can choose the release type during the release preparation.
  6. Finally you can proceed to grayscale release or full release to complete the release process. Currently, you can only release the mini program to the production environment of partner apps.


To release a mini program to Alipay+ partner apps, you can see the steps as below:

Step 1: New version creation

  1. To release the mini program to partner apps, click Choose App. image.png
  2. Select a partner app and then click Confirm to trigger the release process. image.png
  3. Once the release process is triggered, it continues with package building automatically. You can check and modify the configurations at this step by clicking View Configuration.image

Step 2: Compatibility testing

  1. After the package building is finished, the process moves to compatibility testing. Click Test Compatibility to check whether your mini program can run in different operating systems, network environments, or mobile devices. image.png
  2. After the compatibility test is finished, click View Report to view the test results. In addition, you can still check and modify the configurations at this step.
    • If you are not satisfied with the result, you can adjust the mini program and retest its compatibility. Then enter the next step.
    • If you are satisfied with the result, you can apply to release the mini program directly.


Step 3: Under review

  1. To release the mini program, click Apply to Release to check the basic information, server domain whitelist, and H5 domain whitelist. Currently, only the basic information is supported to modify during the release process. After confirming the basic information, click Apply.image.png
  2. The release request of the mini program is sent to the Alipay+ and partner app for approval.image.png

Step 4: Release preparation

After the request is approved, you can choose the release type based on your needs:

  • Grayscale Release: To gradually increase the release ratio from 1% to 100% to fully release the mini program.
  • Final Release: To fully release the mini program directly.


Grayscale release

  1. Click Confirm to trigger the grayscale release.image.png
  2. The grayscale ratio range is from 1%-100%. You can choose to conduct the grayscale by selecting any of the ratios within the range. For example, if you want to release the mini program at 1% grayscale, select 1% and click Submit to trigger the process. You can find problems and make adjustments at the initial grayscale.image.png
  1. If everything goes well, you can gradually increase the ratio to 100% to fully release the mini program. Then the whole release process comes to the end.image.png

Full release

If the mini program is ready to run online at the release preparation step, you can click Final Release to fully release the mini program directly. And the whole release process comes to the end at this step.


Now you have completed releasing a mini program to Alipay+ partner apps.

Next steps

Generate QR codes

Remove mini programs