Bluetooth API Error Codes

The table below lists the errors for bluetooth APIs. You can find error codes, error messages and solutions to resolve the errors.

Error CodeError MessageSolutions
10000The Bluetooth adapter is not initialized.Call API my.openBluetoothAdapter for initialization.
10001The Bluetooth adapter is not available.Check whether BLE is supported in your device and enable the function if it's supported.
10002Device not foundCheck the device ID and  make sure peripheral broadcast of the target device is enabled.
10003Connection failedCheck the device ID and  make sure peripheral broadcast of the target device is enabled.
10004Service not foundCheck the device ID and  make sure the service is available for target devices.
10005Characteristic not foundUse a correct characteristic ID and make sure the characteristic is enabled for the service.
10006Connection lostDisconnect and try again.
10007Characteristic not supportedCheck the read, write and notify functions of the current characteristic.
10008System errorAn unknown system error.
10009BLE is not supported for Android systems with versions lower than 4.3.Remind users it's not supported in the current android system version.
10010Descriptor not foundUse a correct service ID and characteristic ID.
10011Invalid device IDUse a correct device ID.
10012Invalid service IDUse a correct service ID.
10013Invalid charateristic IDUse a correct charateristic ID.
10014Invalid dataUse valid data.
10015TimeoutTry again.
10016Parameters not enoughCheck the parameters and try again.
10017Failed to write charateristicMake sure writing is supported for peripheral charateristic. Don't disconnect.
10018Failed to read charateristicMake sure reading is supported for peripheral charateristic. Don't disconnect.