Create mini programs


This topic provides steps for the Super APP and merchants to create mini programs in their own workspaces. Workspace members who join the platform access different operations based on assigned roles. For more information about workspace members, see Workspace member roles.

For workspace members who have permission to create mini programs, see the following figure:


  • Super APP: Only workspace admins and workspace developers have permission to create mini programs.
  • Merchant: Only developer admins have permission to create mini programs.


To create a mini program, you can follow the corresponding steps as below:

Step 1: Log in to the console

Open the Mini Program Platform portal and click CONSOLE or SIGN IN.image

Enter the email and password that have been registered. Click Sign In to enter Mini Program Console.image

Step 2: Choose a workspace

Choose the workspace that you want to create a mini program.image

Step 3: Enter information

Click Mini Program on the navigation panel to the left. Then, click + Create Mini Program to create a new mini program.

Note: Only workspace admin can see the mini program source such as Super APP or merchant.


Choose the mini program type based on your needs. The platform supports two types of mini programs:

  • DSL(Default): Native mini programs
  • HTML5-based: HTML 5 mini programs

For more information about how to create HTML 5 mini programs, see How to transform an HTML 5 mobile app to an HTML 5 mini program.

After that, enter the mini program information according to requirements and prompt on the right panel and click Create.


Now you have completed creating a mini program.

Next steps

Add mini program members

Upload mini programs

Configure mini programs

Release mini programs

Generate QR codes

Remove mini programs