Workspace member roles

This topic provides you with an overview of the member roles and the main duties of roles in the tenant workspace and developer workspace. Before you dive into the following sections, check the definitions below:

  • Tenant workspace is where native apps manage their mini programs.
  • Developer workspace is where merchants manage their mini programs.


A role is a set of defined access permissions. It can be used to grant authorizations to members who join a workspace on Mini Program Platform. Based on the assigned role, a member can perform specific operations in the workspace.

Default roles

There are total seven roles on Mini Program Platform:


For more details about each role, see the following sections.

Tenant workspace

The tenant workspace has four roles that can be assigned to members:


  • Workspace Admin is the super administrator in charge of workspaces and the whole life cycle of mini programs of the native app, who is usually the first one to apply for joining the platform. Workspace admin can invite members to join the platform and assign roles to members. In addition, the role can also see mini programs of merchants.
  • Workspace Reviewer is responsible for approvals from the native app and merchants, including requests related to mini programs and marketing. The role needs to review whether requests are in compliance with the local regulatory requirements.
  • Workspace Developer is responsible for developing and releasing mini programs. The role can also add features for mini programs and JSAPIs to Mini Program Platform.
  • Workspace Operator is responsible for managing the operation and marketing of mini programs.

Super APP members can access different operations based on assigned roles. For more information, see Member role authorization in tenant workspace.

Developer workspace

The developer workspace has three roles that can be assigned to members:


  • Developer Admin is the super administrator in charge of the whole life cycle of mini programs of a merchant, who is usually the first one to apply for joining the platform as a merchant. Developer admin can invite members to join the platform and assign roles to members
  • Developer is responsible for developing and releasing mini programs. The role can also monitor the quality and performance of mini programs.
  • Operator is responsible for managing the operation and marketing of mini programs.

Merchant members can access different operations based on assigned roles. For more information, see Member role authorization in developer workspace.

More information

Workflow procedures

How to manage mini programs