Manage workspace

The Workspace Manage functionality is available for workspace admins and developer admins. Depending on your roles, you can perform different actions to manage the workspace.


The following features are available for workspace admins under Workspace:

  • Check workspace admins

You can check all other workspace admins.

  • Manage the tenant workspace

You can check the following information about the tenant workspace under Tenant Workspace and change the information by sending us an email.

    • Workspace ID: The unique ID that is assigned by the Mini Program Development Platform to identify a workspace.
    • Workspace Name: Name of the tenant workspace.
    • Status: Workspace status that identifies whether the workspace is verified by AIMPDP.
    • Business Address: The company address that is used for the registration.
    • Business representative: Name of legal representative.
    • Representative email: Email address of legal representative.


Figure 1. Workspace admins manage the tenant workspace

  • Manage the developer workspace

Workspace admins can check the list of developer workspaces under Developer Workspaces, which includes the following information:

    • Workspace Name: Name of the developer workspace.
    • Company Name: Name of the merchant company.
    • Number of Mini Programs: Number of mini programs in the developer workspace.
    • Action: The action that is taken to the developer workspace.
      • Workspace admins can remove the developer workspace only when there's neither published mini program, nor any upload of mini programs into the workspace in the past 30 days.
      • Workspace admins can view details of the developer workspace.


Figure 2. Workspace admins manage developer workspaces

The following features are available for developer admins under Developer Workspace:

  • Check the workspace admins
  • Check the workspace details, such as creation time, workspace ID, workspace name and status.
  • Check the details of your business information, such as business address, scope of business, and contact email address.


Figure 3. Developer admins check the developer workspace info

More information


Member Role

Workflow Procedures

Manage Mini Program




Manage Apps