Manage Alipay+ mini programs in Alipay China

With this topic, you can learn the overall process of managing Alipay+ mini program in Alipay China. What's more, you get to know the quickstart procedures to release a mini program to Alipay China.


Before you start

Before you release mini programs, finish the following steps:

Overall process

For the overall process to release your mini program to Alipay China, check the following diagram:


Ready to get started?

Follow the steps below to release your mini program to Alipay China:

  1. Quickstart creating mini programs
  2. Create mini programs
  3. (Optional) Add members
  4. Upload mini programs
  5. (Optional) Debug and configure mini programs
  6. Release mini programs
  7. Generate QR codes
  8. Remove mini programs

Note: The steps to release your mini program to Alipay China are similar to those for Alipay+ partner apps, except for some differences in Step 1, Step 2, Step 5, and Step 6.

More information

Member roles

Manage Alipay+ mini programs in partner apps