Quickstart creating mini programs

This topic is intended for the owner to create a mini program after getting onboarded to Mini Program Platform for the first time.


As the owner, you can choose to create a mini program after you sign up for Mini Program Platform. To create a mini program, you can choose to create on your own or invite a master to create one.

Note: You can also click Skip for now to skip the steps to create a mini program and check the Mini Program Console directly.


Check the following procedures to learn how to create a mini program on your own or invite a master to create one.

Create a mini program by the owner

To create a mini program on your own, you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Set basic information

  1. To set basic information, you need to fill in the following parameters:1.png
  • Default Language: Choose a language as the default language. You can add multiple system languages for a mini program. Once the system language of a user's mobile device does not consistent with any system language that you add for the mini program, the mini program will be displayed with the default language automatically.
  • Mini Program Name: Enter a name for the mini program based on naming rules.
  • Release To: Check the box to release your mini program to Alipay China.
  1. Confirm the above information and click Next to invite a member to collaborate or Skip for now to finish creating the mini program.image.png

Step 2: Add members (Optional)

  1. To add a member to your mini program, you need to set the following parameters: image.png
  • Name: Enter the name of the member that you want to invite to join the platform.
  • Email: Enter the email of the member that you want to invite to join the platform.
  • Role: You can invite a member as a master or a developer of a mini program.
    • If you want to invite a master, click Master.
    • If you want to invite a developer, click Developer. In addition, you need to assign at least one mini program to the role for developing and releasing the mini program.
  1. Confirm the above information and click Invite to send the invitation email to the member.image.pngNow you have finished creating a mini program and inviting a member. Click Enter Console to continue to manage the mini program.

Create a mini program by a master

If you want to invite a master to help to create a mini program for you, you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Add a master

  1. To add a master, click Invite the Master to create one.image
  1. Enter the name and email. Then click Invite to send the invitation email to the master.image.pngAfter the master accepts the invitation to join the platform, the role can create a mini program for you.

Step 2: Create a mini program

  1. After the master accepts the invitation and signs in to the Mini Program Console, click Manage Mini Program on the left navigation panel. Then click + Create Mini Program to create a mini program.image.png
  1. Choose to release your mini program to Alipay China.Choose CN.jpg
  1. Fill in the following parameters and click Create to finish creating a mini program.3.png
  • Language: By default, the language of the mini program is Chinese and you cannot change the default language. We recommend you enter the mini program name, tagline, and description in Chinese to ensure a smooth review process.
  • Mini Program Name: Enter a name for your mini program between 3 and 30 characters. One Chinese character counts as two characters, and one letter or number counts as one character.
  • Tagline: Enter a tagline for your mini program between 10 and 30 characters.
  • Description: Describe your mini program between 20 and 200 characters.
  • Logo: Upload an image in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format. No more than 256 KB. The ratio of length to width must be 1 to 1.
  • Mini Program Industry: Select the desired industry from the search box.
  • Customer Service Contact Number: Enter your landline number in the format of XXXX-XXXXXXX.
  • Customer Service Contact Email: Enter your contact email.

Note: All the above parameters are required when creating or modifying the mini program.

More information

Create mini programs

(Optional) Debug and configure mini programs

Release mini programs