Product guide overview

This product guide is intended for mini program platform users to learn the product features and procedures to manage the whole lifecycle of mini programs.

Mini Program is a new technology that helps you quickly develop high-quality services and grow your business on mobile apps with better user experience. With the Mini Program Development Platform, you can manage the whole lifecycle of mini programs. You can either directly create, develop, upload, release or remove mini programs, or authorize developers to manage min programs with an approval process. You can also see the data with analytics and quality functionality to improve efficiency.

This product guide is divided into three sections:

You can see the general workflow and process descriptions and the detailed steps on how to do the following:

  • Product features

You can see the detailed features of the platform. See feature scope below to get a list of all the available features and the topics under Product features.

You can see the videos that introduce both the features and process of the platform.

Platform workflow management

The workflow can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Getting started
  • Apply for an account
  • Log into the platform
  • Choose your workspace

For more information, see Getting Started for Merchant On-Boarding.

  1. Releaes mini programs
  1. System setup
  • Invite members and set roles
  • Set tester whitelist

For more information, see Member role, Members, and Settings.

  1. Create mini programs

For more information, see the how-to guide and how-to video.

  1. Debug and preview mini programs

Note: Mini Programs are created by developers in the developer tool and uploaded to the workspace for approval. For more information, see Mini Program Studio.

  1. Release mini programs with an approval process
  1. Operate the mini program

For more information about the detailed process, see Workflow Procedures.

Feature scope

You can see the feature scope in the following table:


Sub Features

Mini Program

Create new mini program

View Mini program list


Browse JSAPI list


Browse API detail

Edit API


Browse Feature list

Add Feature

Browse Feature detail

Browse Feature history

Edit Feature


User behavior


Crash and Tracking

Manage Workspace

General Info

Key Manage

Manage App

Browse App list 

Browse App detail

Add App & Key Manage

Edit App Info



Set as 

1.Workspace Admin

2.Workspace Reviewer

3.Workspace Developer



Check and revoke authorization




Create Developer Workspace


Mini Program&Feature Related



Submit your feedback to the console


Logo & Favicon

Service Email Preference

Domain Preference

URL of About Us

Term of Service Agreement

More information

About Mini Program

Develop Mini Programs

Design Mini Programs