Release Mini Programs

This topic describes the steps of the task to publish a mini program. When the mini program is ready to be released, developer admins can apply for publishing the mini program.


To publish a mini program, you can see the corresponding steps as follow:

  1. When the mini program is ready to get released, click Mini Program on the left menu panel and go to the Versions page. Then click Publish to trigger the process.


  1. You can see the release progress under the Publish tab. Click Apply for publishing to enter the approval process.



  1. All approvals can be found on the Approvals page.


  1. Before releasing the mini program, you can add testers to run a grey-scale testing by setting tester whitelist.


  1. Enter accounts of testers and click Publish.


  1. After the grey-box testing is completed, click Finish Grey-box Testing to do a greyscale release.


  1. You can choose the level of the grey-scale release and click Submit to run it. 100% means to fully release the mini program.


Now you have finished publishing a mini program.

Next step

Generate QR codes

Remove Mini Programs