

As a lightweight and concise product form, “Exit-As-You-Go” is the biggest feature of Mini Programs. Therefore, Mini Programs must be lightweight with key functions highlighted. Scenarios must be directly switched with the shortest path to help users complete their operations.

We recommend that a Mini Program only focuses on one usage scenario. If there are multiple business scenarios for a product, different Mini Programs can be developed for each scenario. The technical features of Mini Programs allow for natural and smooth switching between different Mini Programs without creating an obvious sense of fragmentation.

Streamline The Number Of Tab Bars

If not necessary, do not use the bottom tab bar in the Mini Program. Allow users to see the main functions of the Mini Program on one page. Take the shortest path to the target function instead of switching pages to search for the function through the bottom tab bar.

The bottom tab bar used in the KFC App is removed in the Mini Program launched by KFC in the Chinese mainland. The functions of the KFC Mini Program are much more streamlined compared with the functions of the KFC App. And the functions are centrally displayed on the homepage of the Mini Program. In terms of visual design, KFC highlighted the entry point to the most frequently used ordering function in the Mini Program. The visual and interactive design of the "Order Now" page is consistent with the design of the KFC App. This can help continue the ordering habits that users have developed without the cost of switching product forms.

If the use of the bottom tab bar is inevitable, refine the core functionality of the product and use no more than three modules in the bottom tab bar.

The software development team of Watsons in the Chinese mainland adopts the strategy of "One Mini Program for one function". Although the bottom tab bar is used in the Watsons Mini Store, it only consists of two modules, "Home" and "Personal Center". When a user performs the “Add to Cart” operation on the homepage of this online store, the user will be redirected to another Mini Program for payment.

Highlight The Key Points Of A Page

Each Mini Program page must be as simple and clear as possible with the key points highlighted. This helps users understand the content of a page and perform tasks with ease.

Optimize The Operation Process

Design each business function with the minimum necessary steps to prevent the user flow from being interrupted by non-task related content. This helps users focus on the current task and smoothly complete their operations. image.png

Typing on mobile screens is not as convenient as typing on physical keyboards and more prone to error. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, provide items for users to choose instead of requiring users to type in content on Mini Program pages.