The fetchApps API is called by the super app to run a query based on the specified query conditions to asynchronously fetch a list of mini programs that are launched to their app. This API provides a pagination capability to return the data.
Method signature
Future<MiniApiResult<FetchAppsResult>> fetchApps(FetchAppsRequest request);
Request parameters
Field | Data type | Required | Description |
request | FetchAppsRequest object | Yes | An object that is used to set query conditions of mini programs. |
Response parameters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
success | Bool | Indicates whether the API call is successful. | Yes |
data | FetchAppsResult object | Indicates the data that is returned by the API. It returns a list of mini programs that match the specified query conditions. | No |
errorCode | Int | Indicates the error code when the API call failed. See the following Error codes section for details. | No |
errorMsg | String | Indicates the error description according to the error code when the API call failed. See the following Error codes section for details. | No |
Error codes
Error code | Error message | Further action | |
2 | INVALID_PARAMETER | Parameter error. | Refer to the Request parameters table and check whether all parameter types are correct and if all required parameters are specified. |
3 | UNKNOWN_ERROR | Server fluctuations. | Retry the request. If the problem persists, please contact overseas_support@service.alibaba.com for help. |
10104 | NETWORK_ERROR | Network error. | Check the network connection and try again. |
void _fetchAppListOperate() {
FetchAppsRequest request = FetchAppsRequest(startIndex, size,
category: category,relatedEnv: relatedEnv,sortDescriptor: sortDescriptor,ascending: ascending);
//request success
//request error