
This guide helps you understand the Goldfish framework, learn about how to use Goldfish to develop mini programs, and dive into more information about the development.

About Goldfish

Goldfish is an Alipay mini program development framework. It helps to enhance the capabilities of the Alipay mini program framework.


Goldfish provides the following capabilities:

Goldfish is also a progressive framework. You can use it either in a new project or an existing project. Goldfish code can co-exist perfectly with other framework codes.

How to use Goldfish

The diagram below illustrates how to get started on using Goldfish to develop mini programs:


Refer to the following procedures on how to complete each step:

  1. Organize directory structure
  2. Install Goldfish
  3. Configurate your project
  4. Develop mini program
  5. Code mini program
  6. Upload a version

Note: During development, refer to the following topics to write business codes:

More information

  • Goldfish APIs
  • Go deeper into Goldfish