Document History

This document provides you with information on the new or changed documentation. You can quickly see the latest documentation updates.

June, 2021

The following table describes important changes in this release.



Using Mini Program Platform

The Product Guide is now updated with the following:

  • New topics due to product features' enhancement:

Developing Mini Programs

The Developer's Guide is now updated with the following:

April, 2021

The following table describes important changes in this release.



Using Mini Program Platform

The Product Guide is now updated with the following:

  • Changed topics due to document enhancement:
  • New topics due to document enhancement:

Developing Mini Programs

The Developer's Guide is now updated with the following:

April, 2021

The following table describes important changes in this release.



Using Mini Program Platform

The Product Guide is now updated with the following:

March, 2021



Using Mini Program Platform

The Product Guide is now updated with instructions on the mini program platform features.

The following features are new:

Customized analysis

In addition to the existing default analysis, you can perform the customized analysis by events and funnels. See Event management and analysis and Funnel management and analysis for more information.

Developing Mini Programs

Optimize the whole OpenAPI chapter as follows:

  • Result process logic section
  • Error codes section

For example, see the  API/v2/authorizations/applyToken.

Added the onUnhandledRejection function in Register Mini Program.

Added the following topics:

Added the SEND_MESSAGE scope in the my.getAuthCode API.

Added the following JSAPIs:

Added the following extended components:

Deleted Focus property in the input component.

Feb, 2021



Developing Mini Programs

Optimize the whole OpenAPI Overview chapter, mainly including the following points: 

Request related changes:

Request related changes:

Jan, 2021



Using Mini Program Platform

The Product Guide is now updated with instructions on the mini program platform features.

The following features are new:

Two-factor authentication

You can now set the two-factor authentication to protect your account under Settings. See Two-Factor Authentication for more information.

Customized analysis

In addition to the existing default analysis, you can perform the customized analysis by events. See Manage Events for more information.

About Mini Program

Added the Glossary

Added the FAQs

Design Guidelines

Added Mini Program design guidelines for user permission requests.

Dec, 2020



Using Mini Program Platform


The dashboard is now available for you to track the data of  Unique Visitors (UV) and Page Views (PV). You can see the following two pages:


Make sure you save the version so that the changes you make become effective.

Search for a mini program

You can now search for a mini program by the name or ID of the mini program. See Manage Mini Program for more information.

Developing Mini Programs

The Developer's Guide is now updated with instructions on mini program development. Developers can view the details and checklist to quickly get started.

The Open API paths in the Capabilities topic is updated as Open APIs have different versions.

In addition, user address is added to the following APIs:

  • /v1/customers/user/inquiryUserInfoByAccessToken  and /v2/users/inquiryUserInfo, in the data type of the userInfo property, add userAddresses
  • my.getAuthCode 

The following JSAPIs are added:

The following JSAPIs are updated:

  • my.request: added the error code 2 and changed the original error code 11 to 4.
  • my.getSystemInfo: modified the description of the language field.

The following Open APIs are created or updated: 

Updated: (The followings are Open APIs for merchants)

  • /v2/users/inquiryUserInfo and /v2/messages/sendInbox : for the  authClientId  property, change from M (mandatory) to O (optional).
  • /v2/users/inquiryUserInfo : In the userInfo  field, add loginIdInfos  and contactInfos .
  • /v2/payments/pay : for the appId  field, change it from O (optional) to M (mandatory) .
  • /v2/messages/sendInbox : for the templates  field, change its type to Array<ContentTemplate>  

New: (The followings are new Open APIs for wallets)

  • /v2/miniprogram/qrcode/create
  • /v2/miniprogram/serviceProxy     
  • /v2/platform/message/send  

Nov, 2020



Using Mini Program Platform

A video is available for you to quickly learn the product features.

The following new features are available

Mini Program Type

  • Default (DSL): Native mini program
  • PWA (HTML5): Progressive Web App (PWA)


  • Define the Copyright Notice
  • Define the email SMTP port and enable the SSL connection

Developing Mini Programs

The following JSAPIs are updated:

  • my.prompt: for Android the default value of align is changed from left to center
  • my.uploadFile: update the description of fileType

The following JSAPIs are new:



The Map component is added with the following JSAPIs:

Developing Mini Programs

For the following types of Open APIs, payments-core , payments-standard , oauths-standard , miniprogram  , and customers , the new version 1.2.x of API Specifications is provided, based on which, all APIs path starts from v2  . For example, /v2/payments/pay .

Except for the version upgrade, compared with the earlier version, there are lots of interface property changes. For details, see the following Open APIs section.   

Open APIs

For details of each Open API, see Open APIs

Nov 27, 2020




  • Rename /v2/authorizations/cancelToken to /v2/authorizations/revoke
  • For the authClientId property, change its data type from String (32) to  String (128)





For the authClientId property, change its data type from String (32) to  String (128)

API fundamentals

Update the Request URL section

Data dictionary 

Editorial changes (e.g. remove the yellow and red display)

Nov 23, 2020

The following changes are applied for Mini Programs to align with AMS standard.




In the request body, change code to authCode


In the request body, add the authClientId property


  • Change the API path from /v2/customers/user/inquiryUserInfoByAccessToken  to /v2/users/inquiryUserInfo 
  • In the Response, change the OpenUserInfo object name to User


Change the API path from /v2/customers/message/sendInboxByAccessToken  to /v2/messages/sendInbox 


In the request body: 

  • Move the env  object to the Order object 
  • Delete the merchantMCC property


In the request body, deletet the order object 

Data Dictionary

Change the OpenUserInfo object name to User 

In the OpenUserInfo object, change birthdate to birthDate 

In the PaymentMethod object, change extendMetaData to paymentMethodMetaData

In the Order object, change the data type of goods  to Array<Goods>

In the Address object: remove the duplicated label property

Nov 19, 2020

  • For the payments OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to v1.2.4.




In the response body, change from the ActionForm object to the RedirectActionForm  object

Data Dictionary

Add the RedirectActionForm  object

Remove the env property from the Order  object 

Nov 17, 2020

  • For the payments OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to v1.2.3.




Update the description of the  productCode property

Update the paymentFactor  object in the API request body as follows:

Add the following properties:  

  • needSurcharge
  • isDeferredPayment
  • needCheckCompliance
  • needOtpVerification
  • isCrossborderSettlement
  • inStorePaymentScenario

Delete the following properties:

  • isOrderCode  
  • isPaymentCode
  • isAgreementPay

Add the env and merchantMCC properties in the API request body

  • For the authorizations OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to v1.2.1.




  • remove the referenceClientId  property from the request body
  • For the authClientId property, change from M to O


remove the authClientId  property from the request body

Nov 5, 2020

  • For the customers OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to 1.2.0




Add this new API


  • Add the authClientId property
  • In the Response sample, modify the userNameproperty by adding the firstName and lastName  sub-properties
  • For the miniprogram OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to 1.2.0




Add this new API

  • For the authorizations OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to 1.2.0




  • In the Sample, add the description: The access token should be kept in the merchant server only, which means that it should not be returned to the Mini Program.
  • Add the authClientId property
  • Rename the authCode property to Code


Add the following property: 

  • authClientId
  • For the payments OpenAPI, the OpenAPI specification is upgraded to 1.2.0, 1.2.1, and 1.2.2




Delete the following properties:

  • partnerId
  • paymentAuthCode
  • paymentOrderTitle
  • paymentToken
  • delete the isCashierPayment field of the paymentFactor property

Add the following properties:

  • salesCode
  • order (replace the original `extraParams` with order )

Rename the following properties

  • from paymentReturnUrl to paymentRedirectUrl
  • from paymentMethods to paymentMethod

Other changes: 

  • productCode: change the description


Delete the following properties:

  • paymentFailReason
  • authExpiryTime


Delete the following properties:

  • partnerId
  • paymentStatus
  • paymentFailReason  

Add the following properties:

  • paymentResult


Delete the following properties:

  • partnerId

Add the following properties:

  • order


Delete the following property: 

  • partnerId
  • For others



Data dictionary

  • Change the EnvInfo object to Env
  • Change the birthday  property to birthdate
  • For the Order  object:
  • Add the Merchant and env properties
  • Change the description for the orderAmount property 
  • Modify its following "required" properties: referenceOrderId, orderDescription, orderAmount, Merchant
  • For the Result object, change all properties from M (mandatory) to O (optional)

API Fundamental

  • Add more description for the Request URL
  • In the Response header section, add details about the response structure

Call an API

Add a new chapter, where signing a request and validating the response signature are documented

Oct, 2020

The following table describes important changes in each release since Oct, 2020.



Getting Started

Getting Started for Merchant On-Boarding is now available for merchants to quickly create a developer workspace. 

Using Min Program Platform

The following new features are available:

In addition, the product user guide is updated for you to easily use the Mini Program Platform. The following new topics are added for you to see the detailed features:

For more information, see these guides under Using Mini Program Platforms.

Developing Mini Programs

A new API my.chooseFileFromDisk is now available for you to choose a file to upload. You can also view the details of the file or delete the file you have added.

The Appx is now updated to 1.24.6 version. You need to make sure you use the Appx with 1.24.6 or higher versions in order to use the following APIs:

The my.request API is updated with error code descriptions when the server or H5 domain whitelist is not configured.

For more information, see these API references under Developing Mini Program References > JSAPI.

The Capabilities description is now available for you to see the API capabilities:

For more information, see Developing Mini Program > Working with Mini Program > Capabilities.

User Experience Design Guidelines

The design guideline for food and beverage industry is now available. You can use the guidelines to design the industry-specific mini programs. 

Sept, 2020

The following table describes important changes in each release since Sept, 2020.



Getting Started

The new topic is introduced to help you quickly start with  the Mini Program Platform. 

App Container

A feature description of App Container is now added.

Structural Changes

The structure of documentation is updated. You can quickly get the information that you need with an organized structure below:

  • About Mini Program: See the introduction.
  • Getting Started: Quickly getting started with
  • Developing Min Program: Get the developer guide and references, such as JSAPIs and Open APIs. 
  • Using Min Program Platform: See the user manual of the platform product.
  • User Experience Design Guidelines: Check the design details and guidelines.
  • Document History: See what's new in the latest  release and the document history.

Using Min Program Platform

The product user guide is updated for you to easily use the Mini Program Platform. The following new topics are added for you to see the detailed features:

  • Manage Mini Programs
  • Manage workspace
  • Authorization
  • Approvals
  • Manage Apps

Open API

The Open API reference /v1/payments/pay

 is updated with a request parameter appId. You can  get the mini program ID, based on which you can conduct marketing campaigns. 

Aug, 2020

The following table describes important changes in each release since Aug, 2020.



Mini Program Studio

Editorial changes to the developer tool.

Mini Program Development Platform

The platform product guide is now available with the following features:

  • Overview topic
  • Member roles description and authorizations for each role
  • Workflows and detailed explanation on the procedures
  • Quality for each mini program in the workspace
  • Analytics to see a visualized form of data

See the latest guides under Getting Started => Working with Mini Program Platform.

The settings feature is now available for workspace admins on the platform. Check the detailed description in the product guide.

API References

The movable-view and movable-area View Containers are added to the Components.

The following APIs are added:

  • my.hideBackHome
  • Tab bar FAQ
  • my.watchShake
  • my.onAccelerometerChange
  • my.offAccelerometerChange
  • my.onCompassChange
  • my.offCompassChange
  • my.onMemoryWarning
  • my.offMemoryWarning
  • my.getPhoneNumber

See the latest references under Getting Started => Working with Mini Program => References.