What's New

What's New provides you with new, enhanced, or deleted product features and system capabilities.


Enhance features

Changed the showActionSheet boolean to be false by default in the my.saveImage JSAPI.

Added kakaotalk in the app value reference table of the my.getSystemInfo JSAPI.


Enhanced features

In the Quality page, you can see statistics for HTTP requests, JSAPI calls, JS errors, and details of abnormal URLs.


Enhanced features

  1. In the list page of Manage Mini Program, you can view the past performance, real-time analysis, and quality of each mini program and navigate to these pages.
  1. In the detail page of a mini program, you can see the expiration time of the QR code for testing.
  1. In the Real-Time Analysis page, you can see the success rate and error details of JSAPI calls.

Deleted features

The Launch feature is no longer available from the navigation menu.