Add members

This topic describes the steps to add members to a mini program. After creating the mini program, developer admins invite related developers to become members and add them to the mini program.


To add members to a mini program, you can view the corresponding steps as follow:

  1. Login to the Console, click Members on the navigation panel to the left. Then, click +New Member.


  1. When you add members, you first need to invite new members to work on the new program. For example, if you want to invite Gavin as the mini program developer, you need to fill in Gavin's name and email address and choose the developer role. Then, click Invite.


  1. Gavin can receive an email notification. After his consent, he'll be a developer.


  1. You come back to the mini program page and choose the mini program that need to add new developers.


  1. Choose the Members tab on tha page and click + New Members.


  1. You select Gavin from the list. Gavin is now assigned the developer role.


Now you have finished adding members to a mini program.

Next steps

Upload Mini Programs

Configure Mini Programs

Release Mini Programs

Generate QR codes

Remove Mini Programs