Member role authorization in developer workspace

This topic provides you with access permissions for each member role in the developer workspace. You can have an overview of how members collaborate to manage the whole life cycle of mini programs.

Developer Admin, Developer, and Operator

You can view the authorization of the developer admin, developer, and operator in the following table:

Menu In the Mini Program Console


Developer Admin



Mini Program

View mini programs.

Mini programs of the merchant

Mini programs assigned to the role

Mini programs assigned to the role

Create mini programs.


View mini program list.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Edit mini programs' information.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Delete mini programs.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Manage members.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Upload, preview, and debug IDE features.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Edit Client ID.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Edit Merchant ID.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Server Domain Whitelist

Mini programs assigned to the role


Manage whitelist.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Release mini programs.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Remove mini programs.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Manage mini program versions.

Mini programs assigned to the role


Withdraw mini program grayscale release.

Mini programs assigned to the role



View feature list.


Add features.


View features' details.


View added features.


Edit features.



View JSAPIs' list.




View JSAPIs' details.


Edit JSAPIs.



View performance

Mini programs of the merchant

Mini programs assigned to the role


View user behaviors.

Mini programs of the merchant

Mini programs assigned to the role

Mini programs of the merchant

View transaction record.

Mini programs of the merchant


Mini programs of the merchant

View daily metrics.

Mini programs of the merchant


Mini programs of the merchant


Search mini programs.

Mini programs of the merchant

Mini programs assigned to the role


Crash and abnormal tracking

Mini programs of the merchant

Mini programs assigned to the role



Manage workspace information.


View details of developer workspaces.


Delete developer workspaces.



View Apps list. 


View Apps details.


Edit Apps' Information.


Add Apps and maintain keys' information.



Invite members and withdraw member invitations.


Set members as:

  • Developer Admin
  • Developer
  • Operator


Block members.


Delete members.



Release mini programs.

All work orders of merchants


Remove mini programs.

All work orders of merchants


Add features.

All work orders of merchants


Add related features.

All work orders of merchants


Release mini programs in target apps.

All work orders of merchants


Task running of notification delivery


Task running of advertising


My approvals


View feedback list.


View details of feedback.


Response to feedback.


Provide solutions for feedback.



Create and manage audiences.


Notification delivery

Create and manage campaigns.


Create and manage tasks.


Configure fatigue settings.


View templates.

Manage templates


View notification analytics.



Create and manage tasks.


View ad analytics.


More information


Add members