Two-factor authentication

What's two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an authentication method that requires two factors to verify a user's identity. Users are required to provide authentication via the following ways:

  • Something you know, such as your username and password.
  • Something you have, such as your mobile device.

As two types of authentication are required, the 2FA feature safeguards your account even if your password has been leaked. This extra layer of security also protects your account from malicious attacks and data breaches. Mini Program Platform provides the 2FA feature via Google Authenticator.


You can set 2FA under Settings > Two-Factor Authentication. See the procedures below on how to activate and deactivate 2FA:

Activate two-factor authentication

To activate 2FA, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Two-Factor Authentication and click Activate.


  1. Download the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device.


  1. Use the Google Authenticator app to scan the QR code displayed on Mini Program Platform. If you are not able to scan the QR code, click on Enter a text code and Mini Program Platform will generate a time-based key which you can enter into the app.


  1. The Google Authenticator app will generate a 6-digit verification code, which you need to enter into Mini Program Platform.



If you have changed your mobile device or are not able to access it, you need to deactivate 2FA first and activate it again on a new device.

Deactivate two-factor authentication

You can deactivate 2FA any time after it's activated. To deactivate 2FA, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Two-Factor Authentication and click Deactivate.
  2. Mini Program Platform will send a verification code to your account email.
  3. Enter the verification code in Mini Program Platform and confirm to deactivate 2FA.

Sign in with two-factor authentication

With 2FA activated, you need to enter a verification code during your sign-in process. You can get a verification code in either of the following two ways:

By Google Authenticator

If you can access your mobile device that 2FA is tied to, open Google Authenticator to check the 6-digit verification code that is automatically sent by Mini Program Platform every time you submit your account credentials for sign-in.

By email

You can also finish the following three steps to get a verification code by email:

  1. Click Get a verification code by email on the verification page


  1. Click Send on the next page and Mini Program Platform will send you an email with a verification code


  1. Sign in to your email account and find the verification code in your inbox and sometimes the spam folder

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