(Optional) Log in to Alipay China

This topic guides you on how to log in to AlipayCN (Alipay China).

Before you start

Make sure you have signed up on the Alipay Global Merchant portal.


Step 1: Navigate to AlipayCN

Navigate to AlipayCN.


Step 2: Log in to AlipayCN

  1. Enter the account and password that you signed up for on the Alipay Global Merchant portal.


  1. Then click the "登录" button to try to log in. An indicator will appear, indicating that you failed to log in because your account is an account for the Alipay Global Merchant portal. To continue, click "点此登录" in blue.


  1. You are navigated to the login interface as below. Enter the account and password again. Then enter the one-time code and click Sign In.


With the above steps, you have now logged in to AlipayCN successfully.

Note: Keep logged in to AlipayCN for further processing, such as completing the authorization at Alipay CN.

Next steps

(Optional) Debug and configure mini programs