
With this topic, ISVs can learn about how service orders work and their statuses.


When an ISV creates a service, the ISV can view service details and perform further management tasks on Service Management > Services. Currently, there are six statuses for ISV services: Draft, Pending Review, Withdrawn, Turn Down, Online, and Archived. To learn more, refer to Services.

When a merchant orders a service, the ISV can view order details and perform further management tasks on Service Management > Orders. Currently, there are six statuses for ISV service orders: New Order, Pending Confirmation, In Development, Under Approval, Completed, and Canceled.

Order workflow

To learn how service orders work for ISVs and merchants, check below:


When ISVs receive new service orders from merchants, they can go to Service Management > Orders to manage these service orders. To learn more, refer to Manage service orders.

Order statuses

Check the table below to learn more about order statuses, along with their description and possible actions:



Possible Actions

New Order

The ISV receives a new order from a merchant.

The ISV can choose to reject or accept the order.

Pending Confirmation

After the ISV accepts the order, it enters a pending state while the merchant checks to ensure they want to authorize the ISV to develop the mini program.

Wait for the merchant to confirm the order.

In Development

After the merchant confirms the order, the status moves to the In Development status. The ISV starts to develop the mini program.

The ISV can submit a request for the merchant to approve the development. Or the ISV can cancel the development.

Under Approval

The order requires approval from the merchant. The ISV finishes the development and sends a request to the merchant for approval.

Wait for the merchant to approve the mini program.


The order is completed. When the merchant approves the mini program that is developed by the ISV, the order is completed.

The completed order allows no further processing.


The order is canceled. When an order is canceled, there are two situations you can expect: the merchant may reject to confirm the order or the ISV may reject to continue developing the mini program.

The canceled order allows no further processing.

More information

Service management

ISV onboarding


Release services

Manage services

Manage service orders