Create mini programs

This topic guides you through the process of creating mini programs. In a workspace, the owner and master have permission to create mini programs.


To create a mini program, there are three steps you can expect:

Step 1: Log in to the console

  1. Open Alipay+ Mini Program Platform portal and click CONSOLE or SIGN IN.


  1. Enter the registered email and password. Click Sign In to enter the Alipay+ Mini Program Console.


Step 2: Choose a workspace

Choose the workspace where you want to create a mini program.image

Step 3: Set information

  1. Go to Manage Mini Program on the navigation panel to the left. Then, click + Create Mini Program.


  1. Set the following information according to the prompts on the right panel. Then click Create.


With the above steps, you have now completed creating a mini program on the Mini Program Console.

Next steps

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