Exploring API use cases

This topic demonstrates several use cases to show potential implementations of the syncStore API.

Synchronize a store

Insert all information under a store with one API call, including the store information, menus, categories, items, modifier groups, and SKUs.

For more information, see Synchronize a store.

Add menus, categories, or items

Add a menu, category, or item to the existing store that has been synchronized via the syncStore API.

For more information, see Add menus, categories, or items, including the following use cases:

Update store information

Update an existing store that has been synchronized via the syncStore API, such as updating the store's name, menu, or item.

For more information, see Update store information, including the following use cases:

Share items in different categories

In a store, items can be reused in different categories.

For more information, see Share items in different categories, including the following use cases:

Share menus in different stores

Menus can be reused by different stores in a D-store. Note that menu IDs are unique under that D-store.

For more information, see Share menus in different stores, including the following use cases:

Support dine-in

To support dine-in service, see Support dine-in for relevant configurations and examples, including:

Support pickup

To support pickup service, see Support pickup for relevant configurations and examples, including:

Support delivery

To support delivery service, see Support delivery for relevant configurations and examples, including:

Set category sequence

In a menu, you can sort the categories based on the sequence you set.

For more information, see Set category sequence, including the following use cases:

Set exceptional opening hours

You can schedule exceptional opening hours for special events, holidays, or other exceptional circumstances. In doing so, your regular opening hours don't change.

For more information, see Set exceptional opening hours.

Set service availability

In the food and beverage industry, a store can configure different service types, including pickup, dine-in, and delivery. If a service is not available for a certain period, you can set an availability schedule for the service to specify when the service is not available to users.

For more information, see Set service availability.

Set seasonal pricing

You can set different prices for an item or SKU if the price changes during particular seasons or periods.

For more information, see Set seasonal pricing, including the following use cases:

Set item or SKU availability

You can specify item or SKU availability if an item or SKU is unavailable during particular seasons or periods. For example, crabs are only available from September to December.

For more information, see Set item or SKU availability, including the following use cases:

Set item or modifier group sequence

In a menu, you can set the sequence for single items, add-on items, and modifier groups.

For more information, see Set item or modifier group sequence, including the following use cases: